Everyone being a novice at one thing and an expert at a different one is what makes being part of a dev-team so much fun to me. I enjoy sharing what I know and learning new things to equal parts and I think it's part of what I love best about being a developer.
To that end: I care about (in no particular order):
Smooth async workflow, showing appreciation for work well done, direct and open communication about problems, honesty, retros, productive meetings: being on time (very german here), agenda-setting, ability to focus and sticking to a scope.
Last but not least: Understanding problems is fun and solving them elegantly more so (philosophically speaking, life is a series of problems :). I like sharing the learnings that come with approaching and navigating challenges. With a well-planned approach and some thoughtfulness, every attempt at solving a problem results in something being learned, either by someone individually or together as a team.
And in the end, you always find the bug!